聚焦英语课堂 携手共探成长 Focusing on English Teaching and Exploring Growth Together ——记广东省“新强师工程”中小学骨干教师高级研修班赴我校学习交流活动
作者:王晧 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2023-11-087373


  In this golden fall, SESID Tianlin received a visit from the teachers in the Advanced Training Class of Primary and Middle School Teachers in Guangdong on Oct. 25th. The Deputy Secretary of CPC at SES, Hui Chen, and the director of SESID, Yun Fu, warmly welcomed the teachers and showed them around the campus while introducing SESID.

  之后,本校的两位小学英语教师聚焦对新课标英语核心素养的探索,以LWTE GOLD教材为依托,为来访教师展示了2节公开课。

  After that, two English teachers from the primary stage gave presentations on the teaching of LWTE GOLD, focusing on the exploration of the New Curriculum Standards of English.


  来自浦西校区的张祎弥老师通过<Our polluted planet>一课,与五年级的同学们一起做了一节真实的日常课堂展示。在对characaters, settingsplots的梳理与对比中,同学们逐渐得出本单元的Theme,即‘Stopping pollution and looking after the Earth is everyone’s responsibility.’ 张老师的课堂逻辑严密,环节紧凑,同学们在一次次进入心流的单独思考和热火朝天的团队协作中,合力完成了手中的思维导图,过程中进行了反复多次的核心内容思考与输出。同学们与张老师以及组员之间的默契配合,充分展现了这种模式在日常教学中的可行性与高效性。

  Ms Zhang of the Tianlin Campus of SESID gave a daily class presentation with her fifth graders through the demonstration of the lesson, <Our polluted planet>. In the discussion and comparison of the characters, settings and plots of it, pupils gradually came to the theme of this chapter, which was ‘Stopping pollution and looking after the Earth is everyone’s responsibility.’ The lesson design was logical and coherent. Pupils worked tightly together on their mind maps through individual and group work, pondering on the main content and communicating out loud about them from different aspects. The smooth cooperation between Ms Zhang and the pupils, as well as among the pupils themselves in groups, illustrated how this style of teaching and learning can be applied to daily classrooms with high feasibility and efficiency.

   来自小学部的王冰莹老师则与三年级的小朋友们一起,为大家带来了一节别开生面的阅读课:<When our grandparents were young>。王老师先是以一段自我介绍的rap闪亮登场,然后通过带同学们进行听力复述、动画描述、角色扮演等,逐渐完成语篇的阅读,并且还当堂对文中的游戏进行了再现:让小朋友们回到爷爷奶奶的年代,用现学的规则立刻实践,体验了一把marbles的乐趣!在这样欢声笑语的课堂中,大家在玩中学,乐中练,不知不觉一节课就悄然溜走了。同学们意犹未尽,带着笑容和知识满足地离开了课堂。

   And Ms Wang of the Nanmatou Campus of SESID demonstrated an interesting reading class: <When our grandparents were young>. Ms Wang started her class with a rap introducing herself, and introduced pupils into different stages including paraphrasing after listening, description of short animations, role-play and so on, achieving the reading step by step. And they even ‘went back in time’: pupils played the game their grandparents used to play in childhood, which was also discussed in the reading, marbles. The class was full of laughter with children learning and practicing in the game. After the summary, pupils left the classroom with smiles, meanwhile reflecting on what they had just learned.


  In the afternoon, the teachers got together in Shanghai Normal University, where Mr Qian shared on <The Application of English Reading Testing System at SESID>, introducing the reading platform and case studies of it, showing how pupils’ reading interests were boosted with the aid of the platform. After that, Ms Shen gave a feature report on <The Design and Application of Primary School English Activities Based on Themes>, sharing some detailed practice on the teaching of English reading at the primary grades of SESID. At the end, these two leaders of English teachers at SESID went on sharing and discussing with the teachers from the training class.