作者:王晧 来源:上海市实验学校 日期:2023-10-136419

   2023年4月15日,阿思丹(香港)举办的 “2023年袋鼠数学思维趣味活动” 在线上及考点学校同时进行。

袋鼠数学思维趣味活动由澳大利亚著名数学家Peter O’Halloran于1980年发起。1991年,法国两位著名数学教育家成立正式活动组委会并在欧洲推广该项活动,为了向 Peter O’Halloran致敬,将该活动取名为“袋鼠数学”。

   不同于传统奥数强调的高难度和挑战性,袋鼠数学思维趣味活动宗旨是用有趣生动、接近生活的题目,激发孩子们数学学习兴趣及自信,培养学生数学思维,训练学生阅读、理解、分析和解决问题能力,适合各年级各种数学水平同学。因此,袋鼠数学思维挑战逐步风靡世界,成为全球极具影响力的青少年国际数学思维挑战,97个国家和地区举办、每年超过 630万学生参加。






15th April, 2023, our students were doing their Math Kangaroo competition online or in their respective MK exam center.

Math Kangaroo is proposed by Peter O’Halloran, an Australian mathematician and teacher, in the 1980's. In 1991, this idea was taken up in Paris, France. Very quickly, it spread throughout Europe. The competition began to be called “Kangaroo” because of its Australian origin.

The main purpose of Math Kangaroo is to promote mathematical thinking and stimulate an interest in math, by providing students with an opportunity to compare their abilities against the abilities of other students, from different countries around the world. Math Kangaroo is now the largest competition for school students in the world, with over 6.3 million participants from 97 countries.

A special shout out to the students from SESTD for their outstanding performance during the MK. They have won 3 Math Kangaroo Perfect Score ( Full marks), 9 Top Gold, 26 Gold, 27 Silver, 75 Bronze and 43 Proficiency Award from the exam.

The ASDAN China Limited would like to acknowledge the effort for all students from SESID for their participation in the exam. Once again, CONGRATULATIONS to all award winners and we hope to see you again!